A few of my homesongs...


By RaeJean Spencer Hasenoehrl

I have much to learn from the canines of my world. Frank, a blue-eyed Australian shepherd, displayed a keen loyalty to those who earned his trust. Pixie, short, pug-nosed and stout, taught me to never pretend to be something I am not. Peanut, during a short but fun-filled life, taught me that if what I want lies buried deep, to dig until I find it. And while my parents battled devastating health problems, Baby, with her soft Cocker Spaniel eyes, demonstrated when someone is having a bad day, one of the best things you can do for them is to be silent and sit close by.

Brownie, the latest love of my life, continues to counsel me in the ways of the canine mind. And he has literally taken a few human expressions and turned them into dog day moments of advice. 

For instance, most folks say “stop and smell the roses.” My dog somehow knows I prefer lilacs.

Shattered Glass

 By RaeJean Spencer Hasenoehrl

While running errands with my five-year-old and three-year-old daughters, I stopped by a friend’s house to drop off a glass baking dish. My oldest daughter volunteered to carry the dish up the stairs to the front door. I told her that I would carry it because I didn’t want her to accidentally drop it and hurt herself. But she begged, “I can do it, Mommy! I’m big enough!” I decided I was being overprotective. My little girl was growing up and needed the opportunity to do a “big girl” job.

And the Lord said: Whom shall I send? And one answered like unto the Son of Man: Here I am, send me. (Abraham 3:27)

I had a nagging feeling that something was going to happen, but again blamed it on my overprotective nature. I watched from the bottom of the stairs in horror as she tripped on the top step and fell directly onto the glass dish. Blood poured from the deep cuts in her hand. I rushed up the stairs and knocked on the door. My friend answered. Immediately she called for her husband to bring a towel to help stop the bleeding. I wrapped my daughter’s hand tightly. As the blood continued to ooze from the cuts, guilt stabbed at my heart.